About: Matt Brady

mattbrady About: Matt BradyMatt Brady

VP New Homes Division

Amerifirst Financial


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amerifirst About: Matt BradyReal Estate Marketing Summit Session:

About Matt Brady


Matt brings 12 years of experience in marketing new home communities and Mortgage Banking to his position as VP of AmeriFirst’s New Home Division. Matt is an expert in the technology that is required to stay on the cutting edge in today’s online marketplace.  He works to support builders and long standing Real Estate partners by driving more business to them, not just providing loans. Finding solutions to today’s difficult regulatory environment is why he chose AmeriFirst as the best option for his clients.


Matt is an experienced, effective and ethical lender. He has been one of the top 5% volume producing loan officers nationwide for 7 of the past 8 years. He is a consultant to his clients, and becomes a valued resource for them and his business partners. He is an Associated Professional with the NSDCAR which allows him to further support his Realtor Partners.


In this unique time in our industry, no one lender retains the capacities to adequately respond to the myriad of market complexities. We can no longer rely on traditional “road maps” to predictably navigate a market once organized as a group of interconnecting highways that lead to sustainable results. Our market now operates in a wilderness, where traditional maps are far less valuable than a compass.